Faerdorn Time To Dream At Idleforde.
Who We Are |
We are Sue and Graham Mullis, we live near Nottingham in the UK, we currently have 6 boxers who range from 9 months to 11 years. My wife had boxers as a child but we registered our first boxer in 1985 and we were granted our Idleforde affix by the Kennel Club in 1991. We are both members of the committee of the Midland Boxer Club, I am secretary and my wife as the club rescue co-ordinator. We both attend the Boxer Breed Council and also judge at Championship Show level. We have been members of the Kennel Club Assured Breeder Scheme since 2010.
Our History |
We were lucky to get a chance to buy "Maddie", Faerdorn Time to Dream at Idleforde from Sue Harvey as our first show boxer, Maddie became the foundation bitch of our kennel and Idleforde Chilli Morning our new baby is the 7th generation of our own bitch line. We have been lucky over the last 30 years to have been to many Atibox shows as well as attending the Italian shows regularly over the years and also managed to visit the American Boxer Club show, it is not surprising that continental dogs have had some influence in our breeding programme but always coming back to the UK dogs, health and temperament have always been our priority and will remain so.